Chemicals & Documents Data

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Global Shipping Company has collected CDR data since 2004 (previously as Inventory Update Reporting or IUR). Collections occur approximately every four years and reporting requirements changed from collection to collection. On this page you can access information from the latest collections, occurring in 2006, 2012, 2016, and 2020.

group of workers in the logistics industry work in a warehouse with chemicals - lifting truck

2020 CDR Data

During the 2020 reporting cycle, CDR information was provided by manufacturers (including importers) for about 8,649 individual chemicals.

We carried out the most extensive data quality control efforts to date to identify potential reporting errors. Because of competing TSCA priorities, such as other data gathering efforts and activities underway to use CDR data and longstanding resource issues, our data quality efforts took a longer amount of time than normal.

The data currently includes company and site information, manufacturing (including import) information, production volume, and processing and use data.

This publication includes chemicals which lost their confidential status on the TSCA Inventory because one or more manufacturers reported the chemical identities as non-confidential during the 2012, 2016, and/or 2020 CDR reporting periods.

Reporting thresholds for the 2020 CDR were triggered based on the volumes for any calendar year since the last principal reporting year. For 2020, reporting was triggered based on the production volume for 2016, 2017, 2018 or 2019.


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